ERP, BIM … Are they really useful to Facilities Management

While at some high level integration, ERP is valuable to FMers, especially from a financials perspective, let’s face it… it’s just another reporting tool at best.   ERP, even IWMS systems are too generic to provide the domain-specific information required across all FM areas…  

  • Strategic Capital Planning &  Management
  • Project Delivery
  • Operations & Management
  • Recycling/Disposal

LFocus Upon LEAN Construction to Improve Productivity


As to BIM,  great at the moment for 3-D visualization and some aspects of project delivery, but a child that’s still growing.

Sure, software vendors will tell you otherwise, but when you start asking about the details…. workflows, datasets, KPIs, and being able to drive best practices across the disparate areas… everything simply just falls apart.

Thus, any successful FMer knows that  picking the best-in-class solution in  each knowledge domain…  those that provide what is needed and those that “play nice” with their peers by using industry standard data formats and architectures  (UNIFOMAT, MASTERFORMAT, OMNICLASS, ….) is the way to go.

The key is assure a common data environment (CDE) that enables the appropriate information … in terms of quantity, content/level of detail, and format… to be rapidly accessible to each knowledge domain and/or operational element and/or process.

Tools that claim to integrate ERP with IWMS and/or BIM… well…  good luck with that.  Do you REALLY see you procurement, engineering, operations and maintenance, construction, architecture, and other service delivery teams using the same tools?

My guess is… of your not.  You do, however, want them sharing information, and using the same tools for  like processes.

For example, Job Order Contracting, JOC, is a proven LEAN construction delivery method that can consistent deliver the vast majority of renovation, repair, and minor new construction projects on-time, on-budget, and to the satisfaction of all participants and stakeholders.     Technology, tools, cost databases,Technology, tools, cost databases, and services are available to accomplish this.   Is this capability a component of any turnkey ERP/IWMS/BIM platform… of course not.

Technology will NEVER transform an industry…. especially the AECOO sector, unless CHANGE MANAGEMENT is addressed properly.

CHANGE MANAGEMENT across the AECOO sector must first address the following…

  • Owner leadership & requisite competence
  • Require collaboration among ALL participants
  • Shared risk/reward
  • Common  terms, definitions, and data environments
  • Locally researched, detailed, line item cost data presented within a standard data architecture (MasterFormat)
  • Financial transparency
  • Mutual trust and respect
  • Long term, mutually beneficial relationships
  • Key performance metrics & associated continuous improvement
  • Ongoing training
  • Best value procurement

Those that claim to have a “single source of truth” should  cause any FMer concern, especially ANY tech vendor that claims that they can”bring it all together in one solution”.

There is a reason that the AECOO sector lags all others in productivity.  Focus must NOT be upon technology, but upon improving OUTCOMES via robust LEAN process implementation.

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