Deep Freeze Bad News for Emerald Ash Borer, but Not Likely to Deliver Knockout Punch

Below-zero temperatures could kill off some portions of invasive insect populations like the emerald ash borer.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
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The ultra-frigid temperatures sweeping through Wisconsin (and many other parts of the U.S.) could have a silver lining.

Below-zero temperatures could kill off some portions of invasive insect populations like the emerald ash borer.

“The longer and colder it is, the more likely it is that we will see some impact,” said Andrea Diss-Torrance, invasive forest insects coordinator for the Department of Natural Resources. 

The big freeze blanketing the Midwest will have an impact, but Diss-Torrance said she did not expect to see temperatures low enough—and sustained enough—to deliver a knockout punch to the emerald ash borer.

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