Job Order Contract Cost Estimating

Job Order Contract Cost Estimating

Cost Estimation for JOC done right!

  • Confidently create detailed line item construction cost estimates
  • 60,000+ line items including labor, material, and equipment detailed information
  • Locally research (no use of cost factors / cost indexes)
  • Line item modifiers for locations, quantity, work methods
  • Easily create project-specific reports
  • Track priced and non-prepriced line items
  • Link estimates with schedules, other documents, issues, tasks, and more!

4BT Cost Estimating

4BT-CE is the estimating and LEAN construction delivery component of Building in Cloud.  4BT-CE embeds integrated project delivery best management practices, including the OpenJOCTM process, to enable higher levels of collaboration among owners, contractors, subcontractors, building users, and oversight groups.

Additional Features…

  1. Buildings geolocation
  2. BIM management
  3. Documents
  4. Project management
  5. Asset management
  6. Measure and monitor
  7. Dashboard
