[VIDEO] Boring Co. Finishes Las Vegas Tunnels

May 15, 2020

Elon Musk’s Boring Co. has completed boring the second of two tunnels planned for the Las Vegas Convention Center’s underground loop transit system. The city’s Convention Center enlisted the company to develop the mile long system last year, which could cost up to $52.5 million and is set for completion in January 2021. 

The project, officially called the Convention Center Loop, will transport people underneath the venue via Tesla’s autonomous electric vehicles. The project stretches over 4,500 feet, and DEX covers three stations. It can move more than 4,000 people per hour, turning a 15-minute walk into less than two minutes. 

 Hours after the breakthrough, Musk teased on his Twitter that there is more to come:

The plan is to open the tunnel by January 2021. The project may be completed before then—when asked on Twitter Friday if the project was still on track for completion before the end of 2020, Musk replied “probably sooner.” 

According to Inverse, the team will begin offering rides for the annual Consumer Electrics Show next year.