Process DRIVES construction outcomes. Simple.

Understanding that process drives construction outcomes is a critical learning for real property owners, designers, and builders.

The application of systems thinking to ALL projects via a robust PROCESS ensures consistently well planned, executable quality outcomes on time and on budget.

Focus upon initial planning and the development of detailed and well communicated Scope of Work and the associated invovlement of all stakeholders is Step #1. Continuing through latter prescribed phases provides the framework for productive and progressive construction.


• Budget, Time, and Requirements must be DETAILED prior to procurement.
• Outcome prediction (the plan) and outcome reality (the execution) must be managed with a robust collaborative proess.
• Planing, Procurement, and Project Delivery Teams must be integrated.
• Labor, Materials, Equipment, and Productivity must be detailed and based solely upon LOCAL MARKET CONDITIONS.

The primary failure point for over 90% of all projects is a poorly defined and poorly communicated scope of work, which in turn results from the lack of a robust process.

Alignment between the owner and the design/construction teams can only be accomplished via a collaborative approach that fully defines to work requirements, areas, and work packages.   This can ONLY occur using detailed line item granular work tasks that include local market labor, material, equipment, and productivity information.

The proper consideration of People, Process, Information, and Technology removes the age-old disconnect between owners and their service providers, as well as requirements and execution-levle packaging of scope of work.

The application of a robust, systems-level programatic process to ALL projects involved the integration of  multiple disparate and previously siloed disciplines.  The process is what enable all participantes to contemplates needs and constraints across the full context fo all disciplines to ensure productive execution as per the plan.



Process DRIVES construction outcomes
Sustainable Facilities Management

Process DRIVES construction outcomes


Process DRIVES construction outcomes by integrating previously disparate disciplines through the project lifecycle.


#construction #productive #progressive #planning #quality #cost #management #scope #work #collaborative #solution #costmanagement



#1 The Owner organization must provide leadership, commitment, and accountability and establish project scope and associated high-level timelines and cost estimates for a project in sufficient detailed to enable design/builders to create a detailed line item estimate.  This is the sole pathway to maximization of mutually beneficial outcomes for all stakeholders.  All participants must have a shared common perspective of project deliverables.  In short, , the owner owns the scope and
requirements of the project.

#2 The use of veriable local market labor, material, equipment and productivity data at a granular level significantly improves the resource quantitifaction versus traditional methods.

#3 A centralized, current, and common data environment is a fundamental requirement.  Reliance upon spreadsheets, emails, or paper records will not support a robust programmatice process.  Realtime data driven decision-making at all levels and throughout all phases is supported by a common data environment.

#4  Pull Planning, i.e. Last Planner System, and other tools and philosophies are excellent for training and purpose-build usage, however, not integrated solutions.