Job Order Contracting is a LEAN Process

Job Order Contracting is a LEAN process and should never be used to simply speed procurement or bypass critical assurances against improper practices.

Many public sector organizations don’t have a complete view of their JOC processes.  FIVE issues associated with inefficient and ineffective JOC PROCESSES.

  1. Higher Costs
  2. Less Organizational Efficiency
  3. Productivity Loss 
  4. Lack of Compliance
  5. Risk of Fraud

Unfortunately, many organizations within the State, County, and Municiple sectors have used job order contracting (JOC) improperly.  Government procurement and facilities management teams and their design-builders have not been working directly together in a collaborative, full transparent manner, to achieve mutually beneficial best value outcomes.   Instead, many organizations have elected to hire full time “JOC consultants” and pay excessive JOC administration fees in attempt to simply speed procurement and virtually outsource their facilities repair, renovation, maintenance, and construction requirements.

Outsourcing has no role in facilities management if built structures are critical to an organization’s mission.  Owners must provide leadership and support and be directly involved with their service providers.


Below are figures from a JOC Audit by a City Comptroller. It clearly shows issues that can arise from not implementing JOC properly.

how not to run a joc program
How NOT to run a JOC Program?
Job Order Contracting is a LEAN Process
Too Many JOC Consultants


Learn more about how to implement LEAN JOC and assure best management practices….


Job Order Contracting is a LEAN Process
Job Order Contracting is a LEAN Process


With owner leadership and support it is not hard to find and fix process issues.  Most savvy State, County, and Local Governments are currently revaluating their JOC Programs.