Sat.Aug 10, 2019

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Construction Project Manager Field Guide


When I first started my career in the construction industry I had no idea what a construction project manager was or did. School doesn’t always do a great job of educating you on what careers exist in the wider world and this was one of those examples. So what exactly is a construction project manager and what do they do on a project? I found the answer to that through experience and hard work.

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Architect Describes How He Made His Passive Home

Natural Building

In January 1973, when Fred Black was a first semester student at the University of New Mexico School of Architecture, the overwhelming sentiment in academia was that we had an environmental emergency in progress. Humankind had been burning fossil fuels at an alarming rate since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution and there was hard, empirical evidence that we were changing the climate.

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NIST Awards $6.6M in Grants to Improve Structures' Resilience

ENR Construction

12 institutions, mostly universities, receive funds for research related to wind, fire, earthquakes.