Can You Put Mink Oil on Synthetic Boots?

The state of your boots can say a lot about your personality. You are bound to have a bad impression of someone who turns up at an even wearing dirty, cracked boots with no shine at all.

Caring for your boots require just as much attention as is put into your clothes and hair and hygiene. Boots should be comfortable but at the same time should be sleek and stylish and well maintained.

One of the most common products that we use to groom our dearest boots is mink oil. Who wouldn’t want a crack-free, peel-free and shiny boot to just bring together an elegant and stylish look.

Can You Put Mink Oil on Synthetic Boots

But does it work on synthetic boots or faux leather boots? How can we maintain synthetic boots? If you have no idea what the answers to these questions are, read on to know more. 

Can you put mink oil on synthetic boots? 

It is always preferable to buy real leather instead of synthetic ones. But if you are on a budget or found an extremely cute synthetic boot you should try your best to make it work as well.

Mink oil is a common leather conditioner that is used to keep boots from cracking, peeling or getting all patchy and dry. The shine mink oil gifts those leather boots is quite enviable, but will it work the same with synthetic boots? 

The answer is NO. Real leather can absorb the mink oil but fake leather or synthetic materials can’t. The oil will remain on the surface being a glossy and sticky layer that attracts dust and dirt.

Instead of giving the boots a shiny and clean look, the mink oil will make it look extra dirty. So it’s better to avoid mink oil if you are dealing with synthetic boots.

As the synthetic material cannot absorb the oil, it won’t soften the material or prevent cracking or peeling. Hence applying mink oil on your synthetic boot is going to give you nothing but a smelly boot. 

What to use on synthetic boots instead of mink oil?

Instead of mink oil, you can make use of faux leather conditioners or PVC moisturizer. Saddle soap can help you clean the boots without drying them out.

Rubbing on a thin layer of baby oil on your synthetic boots will help in creating a protective layer that will give your boots some shine and will keep it from peeling or cracking. 

How to condition synthetic leather boots? 

1.) Mix 1 cup or dishwashing liquid in 1 gallon of warm water.

2.) Use this to gently scrub the boot and clean the surface. 

3.) Rinse with cold water to remove any of the soap residue

4.) Let the boots air dry completely

5.) As synthetic boots do have a PVC layer you can use a PVC moisturizer on the areas that are too dry or about to crack. 

6.) You can also apply a little bit of baby oil to moisturize the surface and to give your boots some shine. 

How to make synthetic leather boots waterproof? 

You can use silicone spray on your brand new synthetic boots to make them waterproof. You can also make use of leather wax sealants or beeswax to make your old pair waterproof.

You can directly apply a layer of beeswax and apply heat using a hairdryer to form a waterproof coating or you can premelt the wax and then apply it on to your synthetic boots to make them waterproof.

Waterproofing your synthetic boots can increase their durability and reduce chances of cracking or peeling.  

How to take care of faux leather boots? 

Synthetic boots tend to get damaged must easier than real leather boots. So it is important to take proper care of them if you are planning on using them for a decent duration. Follow these simple tips to prevent the premature deaths of your synthetic boots

1.) Always store your shoes away from direct sunlight. It’s better to store them in a dark and dry space as uv rays can accelerate the deterioration process of PU leather and can cause early cracking or peeling

2.) Clean your boots daily. Use a damp cloth(not wet) and clean the boots daily

3.) After cleaning the boots with a damp cloth, dry it up with a napkin and let it air dry

4.) Use your synthetic boots only after it is completely dry. Using synthetic boots when they are wet or damp will cause cracks

5.) Always store your boots in a dry place. Moisture will cause peeling 

6.) Use PVC moisturizers, faux leather conditioners or baby oil to condition the synthetic boot regularly

These steps will help your synthetic boots live a good long life and would help keep away peeling and cracking as well. 

Is synthetic leather easily damaged? 

People often opt for synthetic boots as they are way cheaper and available in a wide variety of colours and patterns. But the thing is that without careful maintenance synthetic boots won’t last long.

Synthetic boots are not durable at all as they easily crack and peel if not handled with utmost care. They lose their elasticity and will crack and is more prone to punctures as time passes by.

Original leather ages like fine wine as it can preserve that fresh look for more than 5 years. Synthetic leather on the other hand loses its freshness and good look in a few months. 

Can you repair synthetic boots? 

If you are not willing to throw away your cracked and peeling synthetic boot, it is indeed possible to repair it. You can go to a professional or can experiment a bit with a leather repair kit and a colourant kit. You can check out the following methods to try and fix your boot

1.) Clean the surface, even it out with sandpaper and add in a bit of canvas with some adhesive if there’s a chunk that’s lost.

2.) If there are just minor cracks, you can apply polish of the same colour for an even look. 

3.) If you are in an emergency situation and wants to cover up the cracks go on and fill it up with a permanent marker. 

Can you apply polish on synthetic boots? 

When it comes to using shoe polish on synthetic boots you should carefully analyze the type of polish that you are using.

You must avoid polish containing wax and should opt for lighter and quicker silicone based polishes.

Using wax polishes will help in filling up the cracks or unevenness but can cause buildup and make the boots look old and dirty and can eventually cause more damage than good.

Silicone polishes will dry up easily and would not leave much residue and are hence more preferable when it comes to synthetic boots. 

Some products to tend to your synthetic boots: 

1.) Leather Repair Patch 

You can make use of these self adhesive leather patches to fill up lost chunks from your synthetic boots. They are available in a wide variety of colours as well. 

2.) Colourlock Faux Leather Protector 

The product helps form a protective coating on the surface of your boot to prevent it from getting dirty or getting cracked or bleached. 

3.) Coconix Vinyl and Leather Repair Kit 

Make use of this kit to fill up cracks easily 

Stephen Luettgen
I have 12+ years of experience in construction, inspections, handy work, and currently working as a Construction Site Manager. In today’s day we spent a significant part of our time at workplace and a right work gear can have significant impact not only on your safety but also work quality.

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