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« MEP & Structural Fabricators Forum – Call for Proposals | Main | Structural Steel Connections in Revit 2017 and Advance Steel 2017 »

May 24, 2016


Walter Rustler

Hello Tomasz,

RFEM and RSTAB by Dlubal Software are able to send analysis results, eg. internal forces through the it´s included Revit link as a Revit Result Package to the Revit project. Is there a way that the new connection tools in Revit can automatically read the forces from RFEM or RSTAB? I looked at the video and you entered a shear force for the connection. This force is coming from the structural design in RFEM/RSTAB and it would be great if in Revit one could access these forces rather then to manually enter them.


You can leverage results of the structural analysis stored as a Revit Result Package.
Internal forces can be imported automatically when you perform code-checking of steel connections.
When you click the Forces button you can find a list of all load combinations and related internal forces which will be used during the code-checking verification.

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