LEAN JOC Construction Improves Facilities Management Outcomes

LEAN JOC Construction Improves Facilities Management Outcomes for all participants and stakeholders by focusing upon best value.

In order to achieve the Project goals, all team members must proceed with with informed, accurate information concerning process, quality, cost and schedule.

While each Project Team Member will brings different expertise and capabilities, all of these issues and the full weight of the entire teams’ expertise should be integrated throughout the project to attain optimal outcomes.  None of the parties can proceed in isolation from the others.  Extensive collaboration and continuous flow of information is required from concept onward.

LEAN JOC Construction Improves Facilities Management OutcomesThe likelihood of a successful project will be increased by promoting the following LEAN JOC Construction objectives:

  • Increasing the competency of all participants and appropriate levels of Owner competence and leadership.
  • All participants and stakeholders  collaborating throughout the project life-cycle
  • Planning and managing the Project and optimizing it as a whole rather than to the benefit of a particular party.
  • Tightly coupling learning with action promoting continuous improvement throughout the life of the JOC Program.
  • Fundamental willingness and ability of the Delivery Team members, Owner,  Owner’s Representative and the Owner’s JOC Consultants to make and secure reliable statements and commitments as the basis for planning and executing the Project.
  • The conditions of satisfaction are clear to all parties – the performers and the recipient
  • All parties are competent to perform the task(s) or has access to the competence to perform the task and the wherewithal (materials, tools, equipment, instructions
  • Performers have  estimated the time to perform the task and have  allocated adequate resources for successful project completion.
  • The performer is sincere in the moment that the promise is made – only making reasonable commitments that can and will be
  • The performer is prepared to mitigate the consequences that may ensue if the promise cannot be performed as promised.

“Delivery Team” describes the following parties collectively as appropriate: Owner’s Representative, Architect, Architect’s consultants, Owner’s consultants including key Owner personnel such as Facilities, Maintenance and Information Technology managers, Procurement/Purchasing/Contracting Contractor, Subcontractors, and Suppliers. The Delivery Team has the legal duties of the constituent parties as outlined in their respective contracts.  The team members are expected to openly share information and cooperatively collaborate for the benefit of the Project.

“Core Team” – The functioning and operation of the Project is administered by the “Core Team”. The Core Team include the Owner/Owner’s Representative,  the Contractor/Contractor’s Representative, and others as identified in the contract.

The Core Team should be facilitated by the Core Team (Owner) representative selected by the Core Team representatives collectively. This initial Core Team may invite others to become members of the Core Team and may also remove added members from the Core Team. The Core Team should exercise its authority in the best interest of the Project. Each party should assure that its Core Team representative attends all Core Team meetings, has authority to act on behalf of the Party, and fulfills his or her responsibilities as a Core Team representative. The Core Team may approve any representative’s designation of an alternate representative; any purposed replacement of a Core Team representative should be subject to the Core Team’s approval, which should not be unreasonably withheld.

The Core Team should endeavor to make decisions for the Project by consensus. In the event the Core Team fails to reach a consensus, the objecting party may rely on the terms of its separate agreement(s).

The Core Team has a regular meeting schedule during active projects which in general should be no less frequently than weekly.  The Core is responsible for reviewing and stimulating the progress of the Project and developing benchmarks, metrics, or standards, and monitoring Project Evaluation Criteria. The Core Team plans and implements items to improve Project performance.   On a regular basis, the Core Team Meeting should include by invitation a Senior Management Representative from each of the Core Team member firms.

The Owner/Owner’s Representative is responsible (unless otherwise stipulated) for coordinating action among the project participants, including any additional Owner personnel who must participate in decision making on the Project.

The Core Team is responsible for achieving the targeted best value for expended resources.    Cross-functional team leaders meet regularly and frequently to review opportunities,  including function / cost trade-offs and authority to direct value engineering and adjustments of the to maintain total project target cost.


Owner’s Representatives

  • JOC Program Manager – Typically designated Procurement Authority
  • Technical/Engineering/DPW
  • Senior Management Representative

Contractor’s Representatives

  • JOC Project Manager



Did the project come in within or below the Project Budget?

Were estimates, projections and recommendations provided by the Contractor and Delivery Team correct?

Were cost savings realized?


Was the Project completed according to the Project schedule?

Were all punch list items and corrective work orders completed in a timely manner?

Process & Documentation

Where all documents complete, clear and complete?
Did the Project proceed smoothly with a minimum of change orders,  request for additional information, payment issues,
claims and conflicts and were all records and books maintained in good order?

Were the goals of the LEAN integrated process model realized, including efficiency, communication and predictability?

Did the Delivery Team display creativity and intelligence in preparing for and constructing the Project and addressing problems as they arose?

In daily interactions, did everyone believe they received good and responsive service from the Delivery Team?

Did the Project, as initially proposed meet all regulatory requirements so that permits
were timely issued?

Construction Quality

Was the construction work performed in a good and workmanlike manner free from faults and defects with little corrective or punch
list work required?

Were all punch list items and corrective work orders completed in a timely manner

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