Best Value / LEAN Construction and LEAN Production are NOT the Same

Best Value / LEAN Construction and LEAN Production are not the same.

Best value / Lean construction is an integrated planning, procurement, and project delivery process that uses robust workflows, a common data environment, and collaborative teams to increase productivity, profits, and innovation in the industry.  The terms “Best Value” and “LEAN” can be used interchangeably.

Lean production is a philosophy targeting and improving flow and reducing waste.

As there are multiple forms and deployments of each, differentiation between and among the two can be difficult.

The goal and focus of best value / lean construction is to achieve and support the best possible combination of price, technical outcomes, and teams for a specific project or program.

Relationship management, and early and ongoing information sharing among all participants, as well as a well define common data environment (CDE) are a few of several foundational elements.

Robust tools and support services exist to enable best value / LEAN construction and the mitigation of antagonistic relationships and fragmentation so common among traditional methods.

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