Are You Busy? Awesome! Play It Smart, and Don’t Let Up On Your Marketing

Posted by David Chism | Mon, Jul 19, 2021

 Are You Busy? Awesome! Play It Smart, and Don’t Let Up On Your Marketing

Dur­ing a boom sea­son, it can be too easy to get dis­tract­ed, get com­pla­cent, and coast… Don’t let up. Take advan­tage of the time, and get in the best posi­tion possible.

What a year it has been for the home improve­ment indus­try, eh? After an almost 90-day shut­down across Amer­i­ca from the mid­dle of March to June 2020, home­own­ers began to wake up regard­ing their home improve­ment projects. I don’t have to go into detail here. You all know it. In fact, you might still be so busy, you’ll stum­ble upon this blog when things begin to slow down a bit. 

Ped­al To the Metal… 

This is just a reminder to all of you home improve­ment con­trac­tors out there to not let up on the gas as you build your brand. It is very easy dur­ing the good times to pull back on essen­tials, like mar­ket­ing, espe­cial­ly if the leads are com­ing in thick and fast. 

NOW is the time to get ahead of your com­pe­ti­tion and devel­op more mar­ket share! Now is the time to active­ly pur­sue employ­ees that are already work­ing and offer them a posi­tion with your com­pa­ny. Now is the time to make changes to your oper­a­tions to make your com­pa­ny the leader in your market.

Feast and Famine: A Time­less Sto­ry

Many of you are famil­iar with the ancient Bib­li­cal sto­ry of Joseph, typ­i­cal­ly known as the Prince of Egypt.” What was he known for? God had giv­en him some very unique gifts: two being wis­dom and the inter­pre­ta­tion of dreams! Pharaoh made him the sec­ond most pow­er­ful man in the land of Egypt and asked him to pre­pare for the 7 years of famine that Joseph had pre­dict­ed from Pharao­h’s dreams (see Gen­e­sis 41). 

It seemed a lit­tle crazy, but Joseph spent 7 years of incred­i­ble plen­ty prepar­ing for 7 years of severe famine. Sur­round­ing coun­tries didn’t, and they came to rely on Egypt for sur­vival (Gen­e­sis 42 – 44). 

The sto­ry of Joseph is real­ly a sto­ry about redemp­tion, and points to the work of Jesus Christ sav­ing His peo­ple. I love to tell that sto­ry! But for the sake of this blog, I can see a clear, time­less insight that’s so applic­a­ble today. I believe it is wise to plan and pre­pare for the ups and downs of the econ­o­my. Now is the time to begin plan­ning for the fall and win­ter months, and to invest in your equip­ment, in your peo­ple, in train­ing, etc. I would also say that now is the time to save. 

Make sure your com­pa­ny remains prof­itable too. This is a cru­cial point in run­ning a busi­ness. If you are not prof­itable and you’ve worked hard at try­ing to be, hire a busi­ness coach or consultant! 

Enjoy the Present, and Mar­ket for the Future

What are you doing to keep ahead of your com­pe­ti­tion? What are you doing to pre­pare for the slow times that will come? As some­one who runs mar­ket­ing cam­paigns across the coun­try, I have begun to see leads light­en up just a bit in cer­tain cities. Every gold rush inevitably ends. Play it smart, and make sure your com­pa­ny stays ahead! 

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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