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Optimizing autonomous vehicle development with virtual twins

By using the 3DEXPERIENCE platform on the cloud, Milla Group is hoping to transform the future of shared mobility.

Three Easy Steps to Start your Cloud Adoption Journey

Implementing a cloud or software as a service (SaaS) strategy can seem complicated for any organization, but it doesn’t have to be. Discover how a step-by-step approach could enable companies to smoothly transition to the cloud.

NMR Crystallography – Solving Organic and Inorganic Structures

NMR crystallography excels in detailing short-range structures in materials using advanced spectrometers and computational tools, with applications in fields like fuel cells and pharmaceuticals, and continues to grow through integrated experimental and computational techniques.

Alessandro Pasotti’s Mastery of Industrial Design with CATIA

In this video, CATIA Champion Alessandro Pasotti, an Italian industrial designer and consultant, discusses the main challenges of combining creative design with engineering aspects using 3DEXPERIENCE solutions like CATIA. He emphasizes the benefits of using such technologies, including speed, quality, and the ability to develop customized strategies and iterative processes. The conversation also touches on Alessandro’s involvement with the CATIA Champion program and his insights on the CATIA creative design event in Hamburg.

Meet the robotics engineer building glasses to empower the blind

Elena Pop is on a journey to leverage her robotics skills to better the world for everyone in it.

The heat pump tackling industrial carbon emissions

Airthium’s industrial heat pump will reach temperatures of up to 550°C/1022°F without producing any carbon emissions. Learn how it uses the 3DEXPERIENCE platform on the cloud to go from concept to reality.

The Evolution of MODSIM: From Concept to Application

Explore the fascinating evolution of MODSIM from a theoretical concept to a powerful, integrated application revolutionizing industries.

Is technology creating a skills gap or closing one?

Rapid technological innovation is fueling a skills gap by making expertise outdated, but it’s also enabling the ability to ovecrome such a gap.

Why virtual twins are the dream for semiconductor development

Developing semiconductors with virtual twins, not digital ones, could be a key differentiator in industry success.

Smart Shipyard: Optimize Manufacturing Operations

Connect the dots to improve shipyard automatization and delivery rate. Discover the case study.

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Design & Simulation

Today’s challenges are being met with innovative design and manufacturing and improve through simulation.

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Learn more about our portfolio of 3D modeling applications, simulation applications creating virtual twins, social and collaborative applications, and information intelligence applications.


The Dassault Systémes Marketing and Sales brand 3DEXCITE provides comprehensive solutions for collaboration and 3D product content creation directly from a secure cloud network, the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform.


BIOVIA is the world’s leading solution for product design and experience. It delivers the unique ability not only to model any product in 3D but to do so in the context of the products real life behavior.


CATIA provides product design and experience capabilities for designers, engineers and system architects to conceive, develop and realize the connected products and experiences we see and use in our everyday lives.


Powered by Dassault Systèmes’ 3DEXPERIENCE platform, DELMIA solutions address the most challenging situations manufacturers experience today. We connect the virtual and real worlds with immersive technology to empower our customers worldwide to collaborate, model, optimize, and execute manufacturing, logistics, and service across an efficient and connected supply chain.


ENOVIA provides enterprise planning, IP management, process governance, and collaborative product development capabilities for multi-disciplinary teams to collaboratively build and execute a successful plan across the entire enterprise.


GEOVIA provides modelling, designing, simulation and monitoring for geoscientists, earth engineers, urban planners and citizens to enable the sustainable use and reuse of natural resources across urban environments and the broader infrastructure sector.


NETVIBES provides data science capabilities that reveal information intelligence for all business users to gain business insights that drive performance.


SIMULIA provides realistic multiphysics simulation, design exploration, and optimization capabilities for designers, engineers and researchers to virtually test, improve and validate their innovations for performance, safety and consumer experiences while reducing cost and time to market.

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