Let People Know You’re Hiring With This Easy LinkedIn Feature

Posted by Ellen Socash | Fri, Jun 18, 2021

 Let People Know You’re Hiring With This Easy LinkedIn Feature

Strug­gling to hire? You’re not alone in the cur­rent nation­wide labor shortage. 

The home improve­ment indus­try, among oth­ers, is expe­ri­enc­ing dif­fi­cul­ty onboard­ing field work­ers as unem­ploy­ment checks entice capa­ble work­ers to stay unem­ployed. As an Account Exec­u­tive for ADC, I see this issue across the board with our clients. While it might be encour­ag­ing to see sched­ules filled with eager cus­tomers, work can­not be done with­out laborers. 

But don’t wor­ry. We have a few ideas that might help!

How Does Hir­ing Fit Into Marketing?

I heard David say the oth­er day that hir­ing employ­ees is like mar­ket­ing for cus­tomers — it’s just a dif­fer­ent audi­ence. With that in mind, our team has shift­ed mar­ket­ing strate­gies for many of our clients from lead gen­er­a­tion to a focus on hiring. 

It’s sim­ple: let peo­ple know you’re looking. 

The real­i­ty is that many folks are con­tin­u­ing to receive unem­ploy­ment aid, and are earn­ing near­ly as much (or more!) to stay home than they would work­ing. How­ev­er, this doesn’t mean that no one is look­ing for work! Per­haps col­lege stu­dents, pay­ing their way through school, need income over the sum­mer break and between class­es. Maybe there are peo­ple look­ing to gain some expe­ri­ence in the trades and are on the hunt for a job. And, of course, there are still peo­ple who would pre­fer to find mean­ing­ful work in the tra­di­tion­al man­ner, and not rely on tem­po­rary gov­ern­ment assistance. 

How do we reach this audi­ence? Well, for starters, LinkedIn is an easy and resource­ful way to con­nect with peo­ple with­in your industry/​area. If you have a LinkedIn pro­file or busi­ness account, take a moment to update your per­son­al pro­file pic­ture with a tem­po­rary #hir­ing frame. 

I’d also rec­om­mend this for all your staff mem­bers (employ­ees)

You can make your pro­file stand­out when you are hir­ing. Here’s how:

1. Login to LinkedIn on a Desktop

2. Click on your pro­file picture

3. Click on FRAMES

4. Select the frame you want: #Hir­ing

5. Select APPLY

This is just one sim­ple but effec­tive way to grab your audi­ence’s atten­tion. David might write anoth­er blog that goes in-depth with strate­gies our team has put togeth­er to help the trades dur­ing this hir­ing crisis…but the bot­tom line remains: Do what you can to get the word out.


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