6 Tips for Making the Most of Your Trade Show Season

Posted by David Chism | Fri, Jan 10, 2020

 6 Tips for Making the Most of Your Trade Show Season

Trade shows are a tried-and-true tac­tic for show­cas­ing what your busi­ness can do. There’s also just no sub­sti­tute for meet­ing with prospects in per­son, chat­ting about their goals, your ser­vices, and forg­ing strong con­nec­tions. You may even be book­ing appoint­ments right on the spot!

With all that in mind, and all the noise hum­ming around you, you have to cap­ture people’s atten­tion and make your­self mem­o­rable. Dis­play­ing your booth in the most effec­tive and attrac­tive way is key, attract­ing cus­tomers like a fly to a zap­per, minus the zapping… 

Here are some key tips from The Print Guru himself!

#1: Booth Size and Location

Def­i­nite­ly check out the lay­outs for every show you par­tic­i­pate in. There’s pre­mi­um spots that will give you the best foot traf­fic in front of your booth area, like entrances, major dis­plays, and yes… even bath­rooms! For the size of the booth, make sure it’s a com­fort­able size for peo­ple to come in and inter­act with your display. 

#2: Back­drop

There are SO many styles of back­drops available. 

From dif­fer­ent dimen­sions to inter­est­ing shapes, there’s def­i­nite­ly a back­drop out there for your booth. Our rec­om­men­da­tion is some­thing light­weight, easy to trans­port, and sim­ple to set up. The EuroFit, for exam­ple, is an excep­tion­al line that we carry. 

#3: Table Dressings

A long time ago, the only real option you had for a table throw was a one-col­or cloth with a one or two col­or appli­ca­tion on the front for your logo. With today’s tech­nol­o­gy, a full col­or, full wrap table cov­er is both beau­ti­ful and afford­able. And the best part is you can design it to com­ple­ment your back­drop design.

#4: Pop-Up Banners

trade show tips and resources

Next to back­drops, pop-up ban­ners are the next biggest com­mu­ni­ca­tion tool in your toolk­it. Nor­mal­ly you place 1 – 2 pop-up ban­ners in front of the booth with a catchy phrase or a small list of ser­vices. Again, pop-ups should be designed to fit the over­all style and aes­thet­ic of your booth. 

#5: Light­ing

Light­ing is one thing that most peo­ple for­get, yet it’s an essen­tial part of suc­cess­ful­ly show­cas­ing your booth items. If you do cab­i­net refin­ish­ing, for exam­ple, and are dis­play­ing dif­fer­ent stains, a spot­light on a dis­play will empha­size that area. 

#6: Hand­outs and Pro­mo Items

No booth is com­plete with­out pro­mo­tion­al items and hand­outs. Think big­ger than pens with unique, indus­try-spe­cif­ic items — some­thing that will stick around with your poten­tial cus­tomer for a while. Flash­lights, busi­ness-card-sized tools, chip clips, etc…

Bonus Tip:

Tech­nol­o­gy can be a great addi­tion too! A tv with time lapse videos of your prod­uct or ser­vice instal­la­tions can be awe­some. Keep­ing a tablet handy with book­ing soft­ware is essen­tial too. Don’t just write down con­tact info — book appoint­ments ON THE SPOT with pro­grams like You­Can­BookMe.

Make trade shows work for you! The right tools and strat­e­gy can make all the difference.

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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