Choosing the Right Tools for Your Garden

Many tools are needed to run a successful landscaping business, here are some tips to getting just what you need.

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When you are setting up a gardening, landscaping or lawn care business, getting the right tools is absolutely key. There are so many tools out there that you can go broke just getting set up if you aren’t careful. Here are some tips and tricks to getting just what you need.

No matter what tool you buy, make sure it is one that will last you a while. It might not seem like it, but spending more on something that will last will actually save you money in the long run rather than purchasing more of the less expensive, less useful tools over the same period of time.

Different Lengths of Shears

In order to do all the different types of trimming you need, make sure to purchase several blades with different handle lengths. A typical pair of shears are great for up-close work on rosebushes and other flowers, but they won’t be able to do the same thing for a tree or bush as a pair of loppers, which are almost the length of another arm. Ensure that all the shears are available so that no one is putting themselves at risk by unnecessarily climbing things. 

Different Sized Digging Tools

The company is going to need soil aerators, shovels, trowels and more in order to get all of the digging done that you need. Make sure these tools are available in a variety of sizes and have enough for everyone who works with the company in order to be as productive as possible.

The Right Chemicals

Whether it’s pesticides, soil test kits or weedkiller, you need to make sure you are using chemicals that are safe for all of the occupants of the homes and businesses you are working with, and also the most effective for your purposes. You should also make sure that you are licensed to use the chemicals that you want to use, and know what you need to stay safe while using them. 

One Tool: Multiple Purposes

When it comes to your watering tools and spreaders, it’s better to have fewer things that you have to lug around that serve multiple purposes. An easy way to do that is by having exchangeable heads for hoses to allow you to be as delicate or as intense with the water spray as you need to be, or for chemical sprayers to help the whole team do the work that needs to be done. 


Something that trims grass is going to be essential to the work of any landscaper. Get one that is versatile, easy to use and easy to repair in order to make the most of your money.


It’s also very important for all of the tools to have their places so that anyone going into the storage space knows exactly what goes where and when something is missing. It’s one of the best ways to make sure that nothing gets left behind at jobs, which saves you from needing to re-purchase tools or chemicals. 
