Having Trouble Getting Reviews? Take a Look At Our Favorite Software

Posted by David Chism | Fri, May 14, 2021

 Having Trouble Getting Reviews? Take a Look At Our Favorite Software

As a mar­ket­ing guy and life­long fan of tech­nol­o­gy, I’m always eval­u­at­ing soft­ware and apps that will make a com­pa­ny more effi­cient and not com­pli­cate the workflow. 

I’m often asked about how to make the process of col­lect­ing and gen­er­at­ing online reviews eas­i­er. Even the hap­pi­est of clients can be slow to fol­low through on leav­ing a review, or maybe they get stuck some­where in the process and lose interest. 

After a lot of exper­i­men­ta­tion, I have a soft­ware that I feel 100% com­fort­able rec­om­mend­ing. But first, here are a few quick tips to keep in mind.

3 Tips for Mak­ing Reviews Part of Your Workflow

And that’s half the bat­tle: it HAS to be part of your workflow:

  1. Make a goal. You set lead count goals, so why not review goals? Talk about it with your team, give them own­er­ship over the process, and set clear goals with clear incen­tives (if possible). 
  2. Make it part of your process. Don’t leave it to chance. Ask clients for a review and make it easy for them. This is where the right tech­nol­o­gy real­ly comes into play (more on that below).
  3. Track it. See where your reviews are com­ing from, where the most are being shared, and which of your team mem­bers are mak­ing it happen. 

Podi­um: My Favorite Pro­gram for Rep­u­ta­tion Management 

I stum­bled across this pro­gram a num­ber of years ago, and liked it so much that I became a refer­ral part­ner and reseller in Decem­ber of 2020.

I must’ve been onto some­thing! Google recent­ly invest­ed heav­i­ly (and exclu­sive­ly) in Podi­um as a rep­u­ta­tion man­age­ment soft­ware, clear­ly see­ing the same value.

Going Deep­er Than Rep­u­ta­tion Man­age­ment Alone

Podi­um is actu­al­ly a mes­sag­ing platform. 

Think Face­book Mes­sen­ger, only with far more fea­tures and more uni­ver­sal. It relies on text mes­sag­ing (SMS) prospects and clients, and then those replies come through the Podi­um mes­sag­ing dash­board mak­ing them easy to track and manage. 

Podi­um also inte­grates with Face­book Mes­sen­ger, Apple Mes­sen­ger, Google Busi­ness Mes­sages, and a few oth­ers, mean­ing that any of those chat streams you have going are all orga­nized and fun­neled through your Podi­um dash­board. No more chas­ing mes­sages, miss­ing replies, or dig­ging through old con­ver­sa­tions to find a spe­cif­ic client or prospect. 

You can also assign mes­sages to oth­er team mem­bers, let­ting the right peo­ple han­dle spe­cif­ic chats. 

Get More Reviews for Your Busi­ness with Podium

One of the key fea­tures that Podi­um offers, and one of the rea­sons why I start­ed using and rec­om­mend­ing it, is that they make it easy to get reviews. In fact, Podi­um says that the home ser­vices indus­try should be get­ting between 30% to 40% of their cus­tomers to leave reviews online using their plat­form. That’s the data they’ve seen when cus­tomers uti­lize their tool on a reg­u­lar basis!

How does it work?

  1. You look up the customer’s name and/​or phone num­ber in the software
  2. Click a tem­plate mes­sage (like review us”) from a drop­down menu
  3. Hit send

The cus­tomer will get the text mes­sage with a link to leave the review. The default set­ting sends them to Google Reviews, but you can set it up for Houzz, Face­book, etc.

Lead­er­ship Board

I am a huge fan of get­ting your tech­ni­cians (or crew) to help get more reviews. It’s a team effort! Podi­um said that they see the best results when a crew mem­ber in the field uses their soft­ware right when they fin­ish a job, and before they leave the prop­er­ty. This is where they see 30% to 40% of cus­tomers leav­ing a review.

Podi­um has a lead­er­ship board in their plat­form that allows admins to review who is send­ing links and get­ting the most reviews. You can use this infor­ma­tion per­haps as a fun con­test, or to man­age a bonus sys­tem (pay for performance).

I’m not going to dig too deeply into the oth­er fea­tures here — that’s con­tent for anoth­er post. But just as a quick recap, Podi­um also offers:

  • Sur­veys & Feed­back (NPS score)
  • Pay­ments (accept pay­ments via text)
  • Cen­tral­ized inbox
  • Team chat
  • Pri­vate 1 on 1 chat
  • Web chat
  • Video chat
  • SMS cam­paigns, and more

Podi­um is a soft­ware that your entire com­pa­ny will end up using, from the ini­tial engage­ment with a prospect to the sales team, crew, front office, and/​or billing staff. I just scratched the sur­face on what Podi­um is able to do, but I think it is some­thing worth explor­ing. I am hap­py to walk you through a demo and answer any ques­tions you might have about the product. 

Podi­um has allowed me to offer sev­er­al dif­fer­ent price points that are exclu­sive to A David Cre­ation, start­ing as low as $99/​month. Reach out to learn more about how Podi­um can help not only grow your online reviews but your entire cus­tomer experience! 

About David Chism

David Chism started his business out of a passion for helping small contracting businesses grow, be more profitable and become better known to their target clients. One lifelong hobby of David is using techie gadgets. So this blog is a place where he writes about technology, marketing ideas, just for fun (humor), personal thoughts on small business and more.


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