OESP offers sneak preview of Home Comfort Specialist Academy

July 13, 2012
The National Association of Oil & Energy Service Professionals (OESP, formerly NAOHSM) recently announced at its annual convention a new initiative to be launched in 2013: the Home Comfort Specialist Academy.

EAST PETERSBURG, PA. — The National Association of Oil & Energy Service Professionals (OESP, formerly NAOHSM) recently announced at its annual convention a new initiative to be launched in 2013: the Home Comfort Specialist Academy. OESP invites all interested parties to attend the first module of the program at the association’s annual fall Oil Heat Retreat to be held in Scranton, Pa., Sept. 27-30, 2012. This program is designed for non-technical personnel or those moving from technical backgrounds to sales. Plumbers, HVAC technicians, customer service reps, managers, or burner technicians, will benefit from this professional development program. Anyone with an interest in energy is also welcome to attend OESP’s Annual Oil Heat Retreat.

The Home Comfort Specialist Academy program will be delivered in a combination of ways, including online and in the classroom. 

The live course will take place on Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012 from 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm at the Radisson Hotel in Scranton, Pa. Ralph Adams, education co-chair and vice president of OESP, will be the presenter. And since it will coincide with OESP’s Oil Heat Retreat, attendees will be able to participate in this workshop at no cost, compliments of the association. 

Recognizing that consumers are more sophisticated today, those selling energy efficient equipment need to be armed with more than just a nice personality. They need to have the confidence to address their customer’s concerns and offer solutions. The delivery of this new program will include a mixture of educational components in the classroom, on DVD, and online.

The first session on Sept. 27 at the Oil Heat Retreat will discuss selling a warm-air system along with air conditioning. Attendees will learn:

·      Pricing the variations, such as a system that includes heating and cooling and/or heating or just cooling

·      Making the first call step-by-step

·      Setting the appointment

·      Writing the proposal

·      Making the presentation

·      Measuring the home and doing a load calculation

·      Properly sizing the equipment

·      Avoiding potential duct system problems

·      Offering your customers options on equipment and efficiencies

Additional information and registration for the program may be found at www.thinkoesp.org or by calling 888/552-0900.

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