Murphy Company Promotes Carter

July 20, 2012
Murphy Company, one of the nation’s top mechanical contractors, recently promoted Chris Carter to vice president of service. Dave Hardin, executive vice president & chief operating officer, made the announcement.
ST. LOUIS – Murphy Company, one of the nation’s top mechanical contractors, recently promoted Chris Carter to vice president of service. Dave Hardin, executive vice president & chief operating officer, made the announcement.

Carter previously served as the service manager for Murphy Company’s St. Louis office, where he implemented process improvements for the company’s service operations in both St. Louis and Denver. In addition, Carter has been an integral part of Murphy’s recent Data Center Service Line expansion.

“Chris’ teamwork and enthusiasm are a significant asset to the Murphy team and we are pleased to have him in this new leadership position,” stated Hardin. “As our vice president of service, he will continue to play a significant role in Murphy Company’s future growth and success.”

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