Sat.Jul 07, 2018 - Fri.Jul 13, 2018

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Low-Bid Contractors Don’t Need Marketing.Or Do They?

Construction Business Owner

Do construction contractors that win 100 percent of their business through the low-bid process need marketing? If you are this type of contractor, you will likely insist wholeheartedly that you don’t. After all, as a low-bid construction business owner, your fate lies strictly in the ability of a hard-nosed, creative estimator to bring in new work on bid day.

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How to Prepare for OSHA’s New Crane Rule

Viewpoint Construction Technology

If you work in construction, you’re familiar the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), whose standards regulate safety on the nation’s construction sites. You probably also know the agency isn’t known for making new rules quickly. We have seen a new silica rule that affects construction sites in the past year, though, and now we’re looking at a proposed crane operator certification rule , scheduled to go into effect this November.

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Integrating Temporary Safety Staff With Full Time Employees

FDR Safety

Worksites are a melting pot of tradesmen who bring a range of skills and experience of how to do the job “the right way”. While logistics and coordination are critical to the success of a project, the most important piece could be the relationship between workers. It is human nature to lack trust in someone with whom you are unfamiliar. Naturally this can cause problems on job sites especially in relationships between temporary safety managers and full time workers.

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State, County, Local Government – $275B on Commercial Construction in 2018?

Job Order Contracting

State, local governments may spend approximately $275B on commercial construction in 2018, including $90+B on roads and $70+B. Unfortunately the bulk of these funds will be spent in a wasteful manner and without the use of proven LEAN construction delivery methods. The post State, County, Local Government – $275B on Commercial Construction in 2018?

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Forecasting With Confidence: How Contractors Can Solve Four Common Challenges

At the highest level, contractors understand the importance of accurately predicting and preparing for variances in costs or schedules when delivering a construction project. In fact, leaders know it is essential to the profitability, cash flow and potential viability of projects. For that reason, forward-thinking decision-makers who know that forecasting is a complex process, also realize that this is not feasible by using out-of-date systems.

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How to Use IoT to Create Safer & More Lucrative Projects

Construction Business Owner

Construction is a low-margin industry facing a skilled labor shortage and increasingly complex, fragmented projects. While every project is unique, with countless moving parts and diverse physical, environmental or regulatory challenges, that doesn’t mean lessons learned at one site can’t be applied to the next. By failing to capture, unlock and employ insights from one project to the next, owners and contractors miss out on a critical opportunity to make the industry safer, more efficient and,

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Infographic: Construction accidents – ultimate statistics

Lets Build

Safety on construction sites should be a priority at all times. With that in mind, we prepared the following infographic of the most common construction accidents – divided into five main categories: How many? Who? When? Where? How? Read also: How to decrease accident rate on a construction site?

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Efficient LEAN Construction Delivery

Job Order Contracting

What if there was a better way to perform renovation, repair, maintenance, sustainability, and construction tasks? What if owners and service providers could consistently assure that over 90% of projects are on-time, on-budget, and delivered per requirements? With LEAN OpenJOC(TM) Job Order Contracting, this is not only possible, but the norm. Learn more?

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Why You Should Have a Plan for Properly Dealing with ICE Inspections

Construction Business Owner

You’ve seen the news coverage—another day, another highly visible immigration raid on a business. All politics aside, there is no denying the federal government is making a big, loud statement that it will continue to come down hard on the companies that flout hiring rules. A very different sort of enforcement action that tends to fly below the radar, but still can be intimidating and costly is an inspection of your hiring records by United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

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Construction IT Professionals: Learn the Secrets to Working Smarter, Simpler at Viewpoint Collaborate 2018

Viewpoint Construction Technology

We know that as an IT professional in a construction organization, you wear many hats — mobile device manager, server maintainer and application help desk to name a few. That’s why we are dedicating an entire educational track at this year’s Viewpoint Collaborate User Conference just for you! This track offers dozens of sessions on timely topics in construction IT, from emerging trends in cloud computing to detailed instruction in Viewpoint software database and reporting tools.

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Leading the Way in Construction EHS Software

The Verdantix Green Quadrant: EHS Software 2023 is an independent third-party analysis of 23 EHS software vendors (including Intelex) that provides an in-depth look at the technical capabilities, application breadth, innovation focus, and momentum of key environmental, health, and safety management software market players. The guide is essential reading for EHS software benchmarking, especially for understanding unique vendor strengths and capabilities.

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Infographic: Construction accidents – ultimate statistics

Lets Build

Safety on construction sites needs to be a central focus at all times. That’s why we prepared this infographic of top construction accidents – divided by these categories: how many? who? when? where? how? Read also: How to decrease accident rate on a construction site?

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Consumer Price Index + 2.9% (Past Twelve Months)

Job Order Contracting

Consumer Price Index Summary. Technical information: (202) 691-7000 • • Media Contact: (202) 691-5902 • CONSUMER PRICE INDEX – JUNE 2018 The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) increased 0.1 percent in June on a seasonally adjusted basis after rising 0.2 percent in May, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

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July 2018 Construction Industry Stats

Construction Business Owner

Each month, the Construction Business Owner team compiles statistics from several different sources, including the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and the United States Census Bureau, to give you a better understanding of the current state of affairs for the construction industry. The statistics featured in each month's print issue are for 3 months prior to the publication of the magazine, based on the data available.

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Episode 2 - Should You Join a Construction Trade Association?

Viewpoint Construction Technology

A Viewpoint on Construction, Modern Takes on a Transforming Industry.

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The Ultimate Procurement Software Buyer’s Guide

Choosing the right procurement software is a crucial step in ensuring third-party risk management, process governance, and bidding efficiency. With so many procurement solutions to choose from, it can be overwhelming without a frame of reference and a solid starting point. This free buyer’s guide will cover: Benefits of Procurement Software –– Why do you need it?

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Healthcare and the reality of artificial intelligence


“Hospitals of the future” has been the hot topic of conversation around the proverbial office watercooler. My two cent contribution to these conversations usually comes in the form of my assertion that the pragmatics of healthcare architecture can sometimes hold us back from truly imaging what the future of healthcare architecture could be.

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Construction Material Costs Rising

Job Order Contracting

+17.4 % for copper and brass mill shapes. + 12.3 percent for steel mill products. + 52.8% for diesel fuel, 52.8. + 18.3% for lumber and plywood. + 7.5% for asphalt felts and coatings. + 5.5% for ready-mixed concrete. + 5.0% for paving mixtures and blocks. The best value alternative for detailed, locally researched, line item construction cost data.

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$500M loan granted for tallest tower in Queens, New York

Construction Dive

The loan for the approximately $700 million, 67-story tower, which will be built in part by United Construction & Development, is the largest lent to a private project in the borough.

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Overcoming Regulatory Barriers When Bidding in a New State

Viewpoint Construction Technology

Regulatory Requirements Before Bidding.

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Stop Making These Mistakes and Start Scaling Your Specialty Contractor Business

Anything that is built on a poor foundation will soon crumble from the ground up. This is literally the case in the construction stage of projects and it applies just the same during the pre-construction stage. This free eBook is your ultimate guide to scaling your business with customizable software as early as during the bidding stage.

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Fungus may be the key to colonizing mars


The thought of colonizing Mars has science fiction aficionados, scientists, and billionaire entrepreneurs staring up at the night sky with renewed wonder and inspiration. But the key to achieving the lofty goal of colonizing and building extensively on a new planet may not exist out among the stars, but under our feet right here on Earth.

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Rethink, Reshape, Rewrite your Job Order Contract

Job Order Contracting

Public Sector Real Property Owners have a fiduciary responsibility to efficiently manage their buildings and other physical infrastructure. Traditional design-bid-build simply isn’t up to task. Collaborative construction delivery, such a job order contracting (JOC) can meet this goal, however, the JOC Program must observe LEAN fundamental processes, not carry excessive fees, and provide mutual benefit to owners and contractors.

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Report identifies some causes, solutions to lack of women in the construction workforce

Construction Dive

The Portland, Oregon, area's nonresidential construction workforce employs only 4% women and 20% minorities, according to a recent report, which offered some solutions to what it indicated is part of a widespread problem in the industry.

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How to Prepare for OSHA’s New Crane Rule

Viewpoint Construction Technology

OSHA’s Crane Operator Proposal.

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Drive Profitability With a Construction-Specific ERP

For specialty contractors, using a construction software platform helps to lay the technological foundation required to support future growth and improved financial performance. Through integrated back office and field capabilities, you can improve how you bid, plan, staff, run, monitor, and close out self-performing projects, all while improving operational excellence.

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Why school architects must understand how students learn


One of the most important milestones in a child’s life is learning to ride a bike. It’s a skill that, once acquired, is never forgotten. It doesn’t take a classroom lecture on technique, balance, and physics. It takes good old-fashioned trial and error. In other words, “practice.”.

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Job Order Contract Report – City of Scottsdale

Job Order Contracting

Audit of City of Scottsdale’s Job Order Contract shows a need for improvement? The audit of Selected Job Order Contract Construction Contracts was performed to review compliance with contract terms and evaluate the effectiveness of contract administration. Job order contracting (JOC), which uses individual job orders written against a “master” contract, is one method the City’s Capital Project Management (CPM) staff uses to procure construction services.

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No surprises yet on 15% complete, $2B Las Vegas stadium

Construction Dive

So far, Mortenson Construction and McCarthy Building Cos.' work hasn't yielded any costly or schedule-delaying surprises that could affect the project's tight, 30-month schedule.

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Rethinking the residential contractor sales model: The “Valve Stem” sales strategy

Construction Marketing Ideas

Corey Philip of HomeProSuccess suggests a timing adjustment about when to present the price/offer when you are conducting a residential sales call can bring about big differences in the closing rate and relationship quality. He calls it the “valve stem strategy” and the concept is quite simple. Instead of presenting your price/proposal at the end of […].

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The Specialty Contractor's Guide to Job Cost Accounting

Supply chain challenges and rising material costs are forcing specialty contractors to pay more for what they need to complete each job. Following a simple set of principles, this easy-to-follow guide can help you manage job costs, ease the pains of accounting, and run a more profitable businesses. If you are a Specialty Contractor or Self-performing GC, you do not want to miss out on this essential guide!

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5 ways design is transforming behavioral healthcare


Today, more than 40 million American adults suffer from a mental-health condition, and half of all chronic mental illness begins by the age of 14. Despite these overwhelming statistics, the negative stigmas associated with mental illness, combined with a scarcity of clinicians and facilities, resulted in over half of those with behavioral health conditions forgoing treatment last year. .

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Stop Using Yesterday’s Job Order Contracting Methods

Job Order Contracting

Discover the power of LEAN OpenJOC(TM) Job Order Contracting. LEAN Job Order Contracting (JOC) is a robust LEAN construction delivery method that consistently delivers 90%+ of repair, renovation, and minor new construction projects on-time, on-budget, and to the satisfaction of all participants and stakeholders… WITHOUT excessive administration fees, or a unnecessary “JOC consultant” to gum up the works.

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State, local governments could spend $275B on commercial construction this year: where the money will go

Construction Dive

Taxpayer-funded construction initiatives are on pace to hit around $93.5 billion for roads and $72.5 billion for schools this year, for example, while prison spending is still rapidly being turned to the private sector.